Elman NASIROV In relation to the nuclear program of the official Tehran, USA and at the same time European States pursue their same object: under no circumstances not to give Iran any opportunity to own nuclear weapon. The difference is in ways of achievement of this goal. States: Great Britain, … [Read more...]
A Triangle with Its Top on Iran
Daniel GHEORGHE Looking for its own security is a rational act for every state that understands its priorities. What happens if your own looking for security begins to be perceived as a threat to the entire world? The answer can be seen in the present situation of Iran. This paper tries to give a … [Read more...]
Cum s-a furat elita Rusiei – despre vicisitudinile politicii externe a Rusiei
Convorbire cu Alexandr DUGHIN - filosof rus, doctor în ştiinţe politice, profesor la Universitatea „Lomonosov” din Moscova, Interviu realizat de Iuri KOTIONOK 02.11.2009, www.Segodnia.ru Iuri Kotionok: Schimbarea poziţiei Washingtonului faţă de scutul antirachetă, după vizita lui Obama la … [Read more...]