Vlad Cătălin MOCANU The paper focus on Caucasus geoIntelligence, especially on the information, based on two main ideas. On the one hand, we propose to analyze how information is gained and managed by the dominant power, Russia, and on the other hand it explains how information can juggle the … [Read more...]
Winning Hearts before Wars – the U.S. and the Muslim World
Husain HAQQANI www.alhewar.com (articol pus la dispoziţie prin amabilitatea domnului Sobhi Ghandour, Publisher, Al-Hewar Magazine, Al-Hewar Center) Rezumat: Linia favorită de pe coperta lui Newsweek după 9/11, “De ce ne urăsc?”, a venit din presupunerea că anumiţi oameni sunt dornici să îşi dea … [Read more...]