Amiral (r) dr. Romulus HÂLDAN Abstract: The war in Syria and Russia's involvement in this war, but also other recent events, such as the wave of migration and the discovery of important deposits of oil and especially natural gas in the eastern Mediterranean, have produced important geostrategic and … [Read more...]
Lavinia MOICEANU* Abstract. Due to its geographical position the North of Africa has been considered a target for the infrastructures that assure the transport of resources through the Mediterranean Sea to the Middle East, Europe, Asia and Africa. Geographically, the North of Africa also means the … [Read more...]
SFÂRŞITUL PRIMĂVERII ARABE, PERENITATEA ANOTIMPURILOR RUSEŞTI? – O nouă repoziţionare geopolitică şi geostrategică a Rusiei în Nordul Africii –
Dr. Romulus HÂLDAN Abstract. The great failed experiment, so pompously called "the Arab Spring", has been characterized by economic damages, chaos and the proliferation of terrorism in the countries which remained without masters. The Americans have set off all this chaos, believing that they will … [Read more...]
Dr. Romulus HÂLDAN* Abstract. Montenegro, although a small country, has become an important issue, due to geopolitical and geostrategic reasons, when an extremely fragile parliamentary majority must achieve integration into NATO and the majority of the people does not agree with it. The US and the … [Read more...]
Terorismul naval în Marea Mediterană – Consideraţii –
Dr. Romulus HÂLDAN Abstract. Terrorism has become global. Terrorism has become the main problem of the world. Problems that, not many years ago, were in the forefront, are now totally in the shadow of this major problem. The world was taken by surprise, though it was warned repeatedly about this … [Read more...]
Relaţiile turco – israeliene într-un mediu strategic aflat în mişcare
Drd. Răzvan MUNTEANU Abstract. Textul de faţă încearcă să analizeze relaţiile turco-israeliene în noul context geopolitic regional. În ciuda unei atitudini ostile a Turciei faţă de Israel, criza siriană, chestiunea kurdă şi relaţiile economice bilaterale sunt câteva din cele mai vizibile aspecte … [Read more...]
Are Persian Gulf Clouds Spreading into the Mediterranean Sea?
Robert Radu HERVIAN Few aspects of the American international policies are more important and more misunderstood than the country’s policies and attitudes towards the Persian Gulf Area. In February, 1945 the “USS Murphy” arrived in Jeddah. Their mission: to ferry into Egypt the King of Saudi … [Read more...]
The Western Balkans’ Historical Perspective in Mediterranean and Black Sea Context
Isa MULAJ The term “Western Balkans” in official terms is quite new that is used for the first time not earlier than in 2004. It is referred to a geographical region in Southern Europe comprising of seven independent states which all together have an area of 264,279 is slightly larger the size of … [Read more...]