Manja DJURIC DZAKIC, PhD Abstract. Since the colonial redistribution of the world is completed, intermittent wars of conquest of colonies have been replaced by permanent war in the function of maintaining colonial rule. The force is now used against the national liberation and revolutionary … [Read more...]
The Refugee Crisis: A Limited Impact in the United States
Radu HERVIAN, PhD* Criza refugiaţilor: un impact limitat în Statele Unite Actuala criză a refugiaţilor a produc un impact dramatic asupra peisajului global cu implicaţii specifice în Occident. Deplasările de oameni s-au numărat în milioane, cele mai mari de la Al Doilea Război Mondial, care s-a … [Read more...]
Geopolitica şi democraţia
Paraschiva BĂDESCU Abstract. Democraţia, Ca fenomen politic, se mişcă pe harta geografică, înfruntând diverse provocări şi obstacole, precum şi impactul geopoliticii. Abstract. Democracy, as a political phenomenon, moves on the geographical map, facing different challenges and obstacles, as well … [Read more...]
Greece and the European Union what’s next for the Troubled Greek Economy?
This Mediterranean country dumped its own currency, the drachma, in 2001 in favor of the European Union's new single currency, the euro. As a result, it gained unprecedented footing in financial markets. With Greek debt backed by the rock-solid euro, the leadership in Athens raised billions from … [Read more...]
Systemic Prevention Effect in Security Crisis Management
Mohsen ROSTAMI și Laila MODABBER The process of change and transformation in the modern era has accelerated the pace of development in societies. Our society is not excluded from this process. Although we can make predictions about these processes and prevent personal and structural … [Read more...]
European Union – Governance by Exception – The British Case –
The article shows how the British ‘opting out position’ in the European Union has developed during time, ever since the country’s accession and how it influenced the its role in the EU decision making process. The present critical situation showing Britain’s discontent towards EU’s measures for a … [Read more...]
The Debt Crisis in the European Union: Austerity for Life… Towards a European- style “Brady Plan”
The Debt Crisis in the European Union: Austerity for Life… Towards a European-style "Brady Plan" By Eric Toussaint Global Research, September 21, 2011 21 September 2011 Region: Europe Theme: Global … [Read more...]
The Crisis of Our Age: an Update
Steven Alan SAMSON Liberalism as a political philosophy and system of governance is the product of Western Christian civilization. As liberal ideologies divorce themselves from their Christian roots, they tend to displace the public expression of Christianity and become comprehensive secular … [Read more...]
Uniunea Europeană – tendinţe contradictorii într-un timp al schimbării
Oana ŞTEFĂNIŢĂ Uniunea Europeană se confruntă în prezent cu provocări importante, cum ar fi fenomenele specifice ale procesului de globalizare, criza financiară, criza euro, toți factorii importanți care amenință cu a pune sub semnul întrebării baza constructului UE în sine, determinând pendularea … [Read more...]
Marketing Strategy in Conditions of a Crisis and Challenges for Strategic Marketing in XXI Century
Karolina ILIESKA In the critical conditions, when the shortage, inflation and recession are approaching, the enterprise has to know how to adapt its marketing strategy to the new economic working conditions. A strategy remarketing has to be done. Time is an important factor for the marketing … [Read more...]