Dr. Consuela AVRAM Abstract. Now, when the world is in a geopoliticall moment full of fear, terror and alienation, the understanding of Islam represents the key of prevention and control of the Islamic terrorism. It is well known that the main motivation of the terrorist attacks are the religion … [Read more...]
A new dimension of terrorism: ISIS
Selami Ahmet SALGUR, PhD Abstract. Today, as we know, terror and terrorism are very big issues for all over the world. People have always been discussing about terrorism but it’s not clear in their minds. Who are the terrorists? In the same time, religions, especially Islam, are associated with … [Read more...]
Aslam KHAN, PhD. Abstract. Nigeria is presently in the limelight for ruthless violence and economic and political turmoil. The kidnapping of more than 200 Chibok girls, State sponsored terrorism, killing and large scale migration of the helpless citizens are few pointers to the fact. The emergence … [Read more...]
Saudi Arabia vs. Iran: Religion, Identity, Legitimacy in a Geo-Political Confrontation
Saudi Arabia-Iran confrontation, while stressing a clear interest in maintaining and expanding territorial control over the huge oil resources, must at least consider the following other factors affecting their behavior: a) a different religious creed (Sunni and Shiite), although within the Muslim … [Read more...]
The Promotion of World Peace through Inter-Faith Dialogue & the Unity of Faiths The International Symposium on Religion & Cultural Diplomacy – 31 martie – 3 aprilie 2014 –
În perioada 31 martie - 3 aprilie, s-a desfăşurat la Roma: The International Symposium on Religion & Cultural Diplomacy - ”The Promotion of World Peace through Inter-Faith Dialogue & the Unity of Faiths”. Simpozionul a adunat laolaltă lideri religioşi, politicieni, diplomaţi şi … [Read more...]
The Promotion of World Peace through Inter-Faith Dialogue & the Unity of Faiths – Interview with Mark DONFRIED
Mark Donfried is the founding Director of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy Monica MUŢU: What are the geopolitical implications of religion today? Mark Donfried: For, I think, all of history religion in many ways has served a very divisive role. If you look in the past, wars have been fought of … [Read more...]
Geopolitică civilizaţională la începutul sec. XXI: marele spaţiu ortodox trans-european
Mădălina Virginia ANTONESCU Articolul este o ilustrare a paradigmei realiste utilizate de S. Huntington în ceea ce privește civilizațiile ca entități autonome, specifice, în raport cu alte entități (state, organizații internaționale interguvernamentale, ONG-uri, CTN). Prin utilizarea instrumentelor … [Read more...]
Democracy and Religion: Iranian Islamic Republic Experience
Saeid MIRZAKHANI The Islamic Republic in Iran introduced a new political model named “religious democracy” which is of great importance for those who try to harmonize religion with modern institutions. This new model, in fact, has risen as a certain and independent political philosophy and … [Read more...]
The Horn of Africa: Culture, Religion and Geopolitics
Nicholas DIMA The Horn of Africa is a large geographic area located in the northeastern corner of the continent. The region is important to the world anthropologically, economically and geopolitically. Inhabited by hominids since the earliest times, the area may be the cradle of humanity and surely … [Read more...]
Romania between Western Europe, Russia, and the Orient
Nicholas DIMA This essay is a selection and adaptation of several fragments of the manuscript “Cultures, Religions and Geopolitics” which should hopefully be published soon. The manuscript focuses on how culture and religion has shaped and is still shaping political and geopolitical behavior. And … [Read more...]