Mohsen ROSTAMI Abdolreza FARAJI RAD, PhD Rahim SARVAR, PhD Abstract. In this study, the researcher is looking for future studies of Iran and Saudi Arabia’s foreign relations based on transitions of Arab world. In order to have a correct and scientific research, first, this question arises … [Read more...]
The Cyber Military Balance in Gulf Region
Răzvan MUNTEANU Motto: “For governments in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), cybersecurity is just as important as military hardware”. Theodore Karasik1,. Abstract. Schimbarea paradigmei războiului aduce în discuţie importanţa capabilităţilor militare cibernetice în noua ecuaţie a puterii … [Read more...]
Three Geopolitical Threats to Saudi Arabia
Joseph E. FALLON Trei ameninţări geopolitice la adresa Arabiei Saudite Orientul Mijlociu este agitat de convulsiile extremismului Sunni şi a tulburărilor Shia, cu ultimele crescând influenţa Iranului în regiune. Acestea pun trei ameninţări geopolitice la adresa Arabiei Saudite – a guvernului său, … [Read more...]
Relaţiile turco – israeliene într-un mediu strategic aflat în mişcare
Drd. Răzvan MUNTEANU Abstract. Textul de faţă încearcă să analizeze relaţiile turco-israeliene în noul context geopolitic regional. În ciuda unei atitudini ostile a Turciei faţă de Israel, criza siriană, chestiunea kurdă şi relaţiile economice bilaterale sunt câteva din cele mai vizibile aspecte … [Read more...]
Saudi Arabia And Romania – Complements and Similarities
Ionuţ PURICĂ Saudi Arabia and Romania are similar in terms of having been at different times of their history very large suppliers of crude oil. This creates opportunities for extended cooperation between the two countries. At the same time there are complementarities that could strengthen … [Read more...]
Oil Politics of Saudi Arabia
Dan Marcel BĂRBUŢ The Strategy of the main OPEC State, Saudi Arabia, not to reduce the daily production of oil amid the global crisis of overproduction which led to a 50% fall in prices on international markets seems to bear fruit. That's because the price difference between Brent crude, the … [Read more...]
The Bucharest – Riyādh Axis – Cooperation and Development Towards a Stable Regional Environment
Răzvan MUNTEANU, Dragoș TÂRNOVEANU The underlying text analyzes the benefits of a functional Bucharest - Riyādh axis from at least two perspectives: security and economy, thus bringing forth the common values and objectives of the two states. Diplomacy has always been a strong point for the … [Read more...]
Saudi Arabia and Romania – Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow – Scattered Thoughts, Paradoxes and Realities of the Bilateral Relations –
Isam MAHGOUB In 1999 I accompanied, as translator, the first Saudi Parliamentary delegation that visited Romania, led by Sheikh Muhammad Ibrahim Al Jubeiri, the President of the Shura Council, at that time. Once, upon his request, I talked to him about the Romanian-Arabic relations, also touching … [Read more...]
Saudi Arabia’s Role in the Islamic World
Saud AL TAMAMY Analysts tend to describe Saudi foreign policy as a typical pragmatic and realist one, based on Westphalian doctrines. This is evident when anyone observes the kingdom's international relations. Saudi Arabia is signatory of the United Nations charter and a founding member, an active … [Read more...]
Saudi Arabia, a New King, a New Beginning
Anghel ANDREESCU, Nicolae RADU The instability in the Middle East, the escalation of the differences in opinions within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), whose members are Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait and Qatar. Certainly, the instability in the Middle East does … [Read more...]