Dr. Cătălina SZEKELY Abstract. In this moment, the world map made a numbers of changes or is possible to have many changes because of occurred disputes. The goal states are to solve these conflicts and restore the balance on the international scene. Conflicts have territorial, religious, political … [Read more...]
Jad El KHANNOUSSI Abstract. The Arab peoples have been trying for democracy for more than a century. A process in which their societies have manifested themselves in very different ways, especially through revolutions, and Arab thought has tried different political and intellectual theories. A … [Read more...]
The Military Response to the Argentine State Reform from 1989 to 1999
Ricardo Adrián RUNZA Abstract. Ca regulă generală, toate ţările de mărime medie1 au un sector al apărării sub presiune constant din cauza lipsei de resurse economice. Această situaţie implică stabilirea unui cadru complet, în care forţele armate tind să îşi piardă autarhia istorică, perminţând … [Read more...]
IAEA Ministerial Meeting Focuses on Stronger Nuclear Security
The International Atomic Energy Agency's International Conference on Nuclear Security: Enhancing Global Efforts opened on 1 July 2013 to address international nuclear security efforts by reviewing past achievements, current approaches and identifying future trends. With more than 1 300 registered … [Read more...]
European Union in the 21st Century: Laws Build the State?
Marius VĂCĂRELU Last crisis - Cyprus and the methods use to solve this problem - describe that the economy remain stronger than integrationist interests. In this brutal paradigm, law remains the only one pillar for European Union's existence. In this case, rule of law will be the only one supreme … [Read more...]
Geopolitică civilizaţională la începutul sec. XXI: marele spaţiu ortodox trans-european
Mădălina Virginia ANTONESCU Articolul este o ilustrare a paradigmei realiste utilizate de S. Huntington în ceea ce privește civilizațiile ca entități autonome, specifice, în raport cu alte entități (state, organizații internaționale interguvernamentale, ONG-uri, CTN). Prin utilizarea instrumentelor … [Read more...]
A Critical Analysis of the Legal Arguments about Self-Determination for the Kurdish People of Turkey
Sibel SAFI According to Rosalyn Higgins the question that exactly is entitled to the right of self-determination cannot be answered without first understanding the relationship between self-determination and national unity. In recent years some old states like Soviet Union and Yugoslavia … [Read more...]
The Concept of Civilization in International Relations at the Beginning of XXIst Century – Several Commentaries
Mădălina Virginia ANTONESCU Civilizations are permanent presences on the field of international relations, even from the sunrise of mankind history. In our opinion, the evolution of the civilizations, as phenomena intimately linked to the political power, generating power and being generated, at … [Read more...]
Securitate – stabilitate în Europa unită
Vasile SIMILEANU Noile provocări impun Uniunii Europene clarificarea viziunii privind puterea economică sau „poziţia structurală” (şi relativa independenţă sau dependenţă) a statelor şi corporaţiilor multinaţionale în economia europeană. … [Read more...]
Elemente de analiză geopolitică a ordinii internaţionale contemporane
Vasile MARIN Elements of Geopolitical Analysis of the Contemporary International Order Ordinea internațională a reprezentat o problemă de mare interes pentru fiecare etapă de evoluție a configurării organizării statale a umanității. Fără dubiu, studiul acestei expresii a fost abordat în cele mai … [Read more...]