Saudi Arabia-Iran confrontation, while stressing a clear interest in maintaining and expanding territorial control over the huge oil resources, must at least consider the following other factors affecting their behavior: a) a different religious creed (Sunni and Shiite), although within the Muslim … [Read more...]
The EU Legislative Approach: Civil Society’s Expectations
Richard ADAMS Last week I had a few days holiday in Barcelona and as I was on the beach, enjoying the Mediterranean sun, there was a cloud on the horizon. I was conscious that today I would be presenting, from the viewpoint of civil society, a comment on the legislative approaches of the EU to … [Read more...]
Consiliul Europei şi lupta împotriva rasismului şi intoleranţei
Mariana NIŢELEA Consiliul Europei, instituţie pan-europeană, alcătuită din 45 de state membre, în care România este membră din octombrie 1993, promovează respectarea drepturilor omului, considerând că fiecare persoană se naşte liberă şi egală în drepturi, fiecare persoană este egală în faţa legii … [Read more...]