The year 2024 is going into history as a period of restructuring and potentially destroying global order. After decades of living in a unipolar world led by the USA, current geopolitics and geo-economics are decided by a wide range of emerging global powers, all trying to take a bite of the Pax … [Read more...]
Sommario. The world designed at the end of the Cold War with the recognition of American unilateralism is now just a memory. Perhaps, the roots of that claim must be sought at the origin, with the first fall of the long-standing Empires after WWI, and in the events following WWII. The 2024 Summit … [Read more...]
Dr. Vasile NAZARE* Abstract. After the dissolution of USSR in 1991, the relations between The Russian Federation and The People’s Republic of China have headed towards a convergence of political positions and actions. By putting the past aside - the ideological differences between their communist … [Read more...]
Implicaţii potenţiale ale crizei ucrainene asupra mediului de securitate subsaharian
Dr. Alba Iulia Catrinel POPESCU Motto: „Gazul este o comoditate, dar este o comoditate specială (...) Devii un pic morocănos dacă nu ai o ceaşcă de cafea (dimineaţa) dar supravieţuieşti. Gazul este cu totul altceva” Assis Malaquias1 Abstract. Stung by the West’s economic sanctions as a result of … [Read more...]
Lumea în care trăim – o lume la răscruce – un paradox geopolitic contemporan –
Dr. Alex BERCA* Rezumat: Autorul face o trecere în revistă a actualei situaţii economice, politice şi sociale, care se manifestă prin diverse aspecte de cele mai multe ori imposibil de a fi controlate şi le compară cu situaţiile similare ce au existat în trecutul istoric nu prea … [Read more...]
Triada SUA – Rusia – China în(cadrează) noua ordine mondială
Andreea Cristina BRÂNZĂ The 21st century is seen by many scholars as a Pacific century and a resurrection of a new geopolitical order. The shifting of the center of power from Mediterranean Sea - where it was placed in the 14th century - to Atlantic and, nowadays, to Pacific, has generated a … [Read more...]
The BRICS and the Construction of the Multipolar System
Tiberio GRAZIANI Ten years ago, the acronym BRIC entered the lexicon of international economics and finance. Since then, cooperation among the emerging countries contained in that acronym has taken on an increasingly marked geo-economic and geopolitical record. The consolidation of relations among … [Read more...]