Geoffrey COOK This is a highly evolving study that will change. Therefore, legal free use is granted with the proviso that the author be contacted for quotations or citations in case the conclusions are revised through subsequent research. This Introduction is the outline of my objectives and … [Read more...]
United States South Asia and The Middle East Policy: New Approaches and Chronic Problems
Vladimir Vasilievici KARYAKIN The article is devoted to analysis of two-year period of Middle East politics of new US Administration. Realization of new approaches that were proposed by B. Obama is tangled by political inheritance of previous administration. Geopolitical challenges in Afghanistan, … [Read more...]
America’s Foreign Policy under President Obama: Perceptions, Realities, Expectations
Nicholas DIMA The basic theme of this essay is that the new American President Barak Obama, together with his administration and the Congress which is dominated by members of the Democrat Party, could change the course of the domestic policy of the United States. However, from a Foreign Policy … [Read more...]
Pakistan: Key to the Ending Terrorism in South Asia
Cătălina OLĂNEANU Islam-i Jamhuriya-e Pakistan (Islamic Republic of Pakistan) for more than a decade has been accused of supporting terrorism, mainly because of its support for militants opposing Indian rule in the disputed Himalayan territory of Jammu and Kashmir and also of its backing up of the … [Read more...]
The Jammu and Kashmir – the Time-Bomb of South Asia
Ana-Maria PAPUC Jammu și Kașmir - bomba cu ceas a Asiei de Sud Cuprinzând o populaţie diversă din punct de vedere etnic şi religios, regiunea Jammu şi Kaşmir a constituit o sursă a conflictului dintre India şi Pakistan, încă de la obţinerea independenţei de către cele 2 state, fiecare considerând … [Read more...]
„Buffer States” – o nouă diplomaţie
Maria Irina DIMITRIU Primele două state în ceea ce priveşte numărul de locuitori, China şi India s-au integrat perfect în economia mondială globalizată, prin implicare în activităţi de comerţ internaţional, participare în organizaţiile internaţionale şi fondarea unor noi organizaţii regionale şi … [Read more...]