Tomasz WISKULSKI Increased energy efficiency in the processes of generation, transmission and use of energy is one of pillar of a sustainable energy policy. It is reflected in national and international laws. To regulate related to energy efficiency include: - Directive 2006/32/EC of the European … [Read more...]
Lithuania plans to continue and even intensify its relations with the neighboring countries with the aim to contribute to creation of a stability and prosperity area in the Baltic Sea region and Central Europe
Interview of H.E. Mr. Vladimir JARMOLENKO, Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania to Romania Your Excellency, Twenty years ago Soviet Union collapsed and the landscape of Eastern and Central Europe dramatically changed. How is now the Lithuanian public opinion regarding this recent past also in … [Read more...]
Interests of European Union in the Caucasus
Khatire HACIYEVA EU has special interests in mineral and particular energy resources of the region, as well as transit opportunities due to access of the region to Asia and the Pacific. So, stabilization of the region has special importance both in respect of stabile export and transit of energy … [Read more...]
Politica de securitate energetică. Nabucco şi/sau South Stream?
Dan Marcel BĂRBUŢ Specialiștii pot atrage atenția asupra tendințelor care influențează șansele de a obține un consens cu privire la energie. Aceiași experți avertizează că, dacă nu aveți o orientare cuprinzătoare și nu se va dezvolta și implementa cu promptitudine un fel de plan Marshall privind … [Read more...]
Problems of Energy Security of Ukraine and the EU. Risks and Possible Solutions
Andrey VOLOSHIN Energy is one of the most important and integral components of Ukraine’s economy. At the same time, energy security is one of the weakest links in the country’s national security strategy. In this regard, the present-day Ukraine the most important problem is the implementation of … [Read more...]
Aspecte de interes rezultate din implicarea Turciei în confruntările actuale pentru resursele naturale strategice
Alina Laura ORESCOVICI Tiberiu TĂNASE Importanța geopolitică a Turciei a crescut considerabil, datorită noului rol al zonei ca jucător cheie în energie. Importanța geopolitică a a fi furnizor de securitate energetică pot facilita relațiile Turciei cu Vestul. Pe partea vestică, NATO și UE … [Read more...]