Glauco D’AGOSTINO* Summary. The process of institutional centralization launched by Mr. Putin in a Federation currently counting 85 entities (including the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol’) is likely to collide with the self-government aspirations, particularly by the 22 republics, … [Read more...]
America’s Foreign Policy under President Obama: Perceptions, Realities, Expectations
Nicholas DIMA The basic theme of this essay is that the new American President Barak Obama, together with his administration and the Congress which is dominated by members of the Democrat Party, could change the course of the domestic policy of the United States. However, from a Foreign Policy … [Read more...]
The Caucasus Region in Russia’s Geopolitics
Nicholas DIMA Articolul de faţă examinează situaţia geo-politică din regiunea Caucaz, mai precis din Georgia, Armenia şi Azerbaijan, în lumina trecutului istoric şi în vederea perspectivei de viitor apropiat. Lucrarea susţine că Rusia este ultimul imperiu medieval din Europa şi că Moscova refuză cu … [Read more...]