Beniamin POGHOSYAN The US - Iran relations and, in particular, the Iranian nuclear program, are among the top foreign policy priorities of the Obama administration. The attention paid by the US current administration to Iran is occasioned by the Iranian influence in the Middle East, the Iranian … [Read more...]
Dezvoltarea forţelor navale iraniene şi perspectiva unei ciocniri cu flotele occidentale
Marian ZIDARU, Ştefan GEORGESCU Astăzi asistăm la un război al cuvintelor între Iran, Statele Unite ale Americii și Israel. Pe măsură ce războiul cuvintelor escaladează, pericolul unei ciocniri maritime rămâne mult prea real. Capabilități iraniene, în special capacitățile asimetrice, s-au … [Read more...]
Iran: ‘Freeze But Recognise’
Daniel KEOHANE Walter POSCH European Union-led nuclear negotiations with Iran resume this weekend in Istanbul. The European Union - on behalf of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council plus Germany - has pursued diplomatic talks with Iran for almost eight years, to … [Read more...]
Armenian Diaspora in Iran Reciprocal Relationships – Historical Roots
Murtaza HASANOV, Nasrin SULEYMANLI The South Caucasus’ are at the center of current intensive world interest by the major powers. The main reason for this interest in the South Caucasus’ is its strategic position, its large energy resources and easy transport routes. Both the West and regional … [Read more...]
Globalization and Business for Peace in Iran and the Persian Gulf
Nicoleta VASILCOVSCHI The goal of our research is to present the actual situation of the Persian Gulf, the interest in petroleum and the role of business in the area. In order to ensure peace in Iran, the primary solution seems to be business. The actual research is meant to highlight the … [Read more...]
Iranul şi dosarul nuclear
Ştefan GEORGESCU Criza iraniană se pare că a intrat în faza cea mai periculoasă. În acest punct arme ADM și în arme nucleare speciale joacă un rol foarte important. În această situație, dezbaterea cu privire la sensul și importanța mediului internațional de securitate se concentrează asupra … [Read more...]
Iranul în ecuaţia geopolitică din Golful Persic
Maricel ANTIPA Iranul este o țară-cheie în Golful Persic. Răsturnarea lui Saddam Hussein a lăsat Iranul puterea primară în regiune. Din cauza ambițiilor istorice ale Iranului în regiune și dorința regimului de a promova revoluția islamică în străinătate, în 1980, mulți vecini regionali au devenit … [Read more...]
Nuclear Obstinacy of Iran and Its Motives
Elman NASIROV In relation to the nuclear program of the official Tehran, USA and at the same time European States pursue their same object: under no circumstances not to give Iran any opportunity to own nuclear weapon. The difference is in ways of achievement of this goal. States: Great Britain, … [Read more...]
Confronting Iran, “Protecting Israel”: The Real Reason for America’s War on Syria
Global Research, June 08, 2012 8 June 2012 Region: Middle East & North Africa Theme: US NATO War Agenda In-depth Report: SYRIA: NATO'S NEXT WAR? Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is calling for an R2P humanitarian military intervention in Syria to curb the atrocities … [Read more...]
A Triangle with Its Top on Iran
Daniel GHEORGHE Looking for its own security is a rational act for every state that understands its priorities. What happens if your own looking for security begins to be perceived as a threat to the entire world? The answer can be seen in the present situation of Iran. This paper tries to give a … [Read more...]