Lect. univ. dr. Eufemia VIERIU* Abstract. Nuclear, biologic and chemical weapons are included in the category of weapons of mass destruction. Using weapons of mass destruction during war cannot be justified by military arguments its usage being incompatible with the fundamental principles of the … [Read more...]
Dosarul iranian nuclear: succes al diplomaţiei coercitive
The Iranian nuclear file is one of the largest international security concerns. In this sense, coercive diplomacy was a solution that some of the states of the Middle East region, including Israel and Saudi Arabia, have been using at the expense of military interventions. However, the Geneva … [Read more...]
Armamentul nuclear al Chinei – o ameninţare?
Elena Maria Olga RACU Is P.R. of China nuclear armament a threat to international peace, or not? Taking into account several points of view, such as China principal no-first-use policy regarding nuclear weapons, China implication in several international organizations and an active role in the … [Read more...]
Armele nucleare şi terorismul
Maricel ANTIPA Preventing the spread of nuclear weapons to terrorists and additional states is a fundamental priority for national and international security, and anticipating how nuclear weapons could spread is vital to developing effective non-proliferation strategies. The war in Afghanistan … [Read more...]
Grand Strategy and Nuclear Weapons: a Historical and Political Perspective under the Concepts of Arms Control and Disarmament
George VOSKOPOULOS A historical analysis of nuclear weapons as opposed to the efforts to impose an arms control regime of impose disarmament clearly illustrates the links between national security and the political aims of acquiring weapons. Arms control efforts have faced the descriptive realities … [Read more...]
Iranul şi dosarul nuclear
Ştefan GEORGESCU Criza iraniană se pare că a intrat în faza cea mai periculoasă. În acest punct arme ADM și în arme nucleare speciale joacă un rol foarte important. În această situație, dezbaterea cu privire la sensul și importanța mediului internațional de securitate se concentrează asupra … [Read more...]