Daniel Wagner is CEO of Country Risk Solutions, a cross-border risk consulting firm based in Connecticut (USA), Director of Global Strategy with the PRS Group, and author of the new book Managing Country Risk (www.managingcountryrisk.com). He can be followed on Twitter at: … [Read more...]
The Autocrats of the Peace Talk Table: Völkerfrühling or the Springtime of Peoples The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Atlantic Council’s Action Plan. What will be the destiny of the “Arab Spring”?
David A. JONES Once in a century the wind of opportunity brings a Völkerfrühling or “Springtime of Peoples” to multiple countries at the same time. Three examples stand out: 1848, 1968, and 2011, with the most recent example being known as the “Arab Spring” that affected Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and … [Read more...]
The Arab Spring and the Balance Of Power in the Middle East
Ştefan GEORGESCU, Marian ZIDARU The series of protests and demonstrations across the Middle East and North Africa has become known as the "Arab Spring". As of November 2011, governments have been overthrown in three countries: Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. The geopolitical implications of the protests … [Read more...]
Interviu cu Excelenţa Sa Dr. Mohammed Saeed AL-SHAKARCHI, Ambasador Extraordinar şi Plenipotenţiar al Republicii Irak în România
Excelenţă, ”Primăvara arabă” este un nou început pentru lumea arabă. Ce efecte în plan politic şi social a adus această revoltă a maselor în statele islamice? Cred că este vorba despre un nou capitol sau un punct de cotitură în evoluţia lumii arabe. După decenii de dictatură sau regimuri … [Read more...]
Libya – Behind the Abstract Concepts of Freedom and Democracy
Oana ŞTEFĂNIŢĂ Within the Arab Spring, Libyan revolution differentiated through the intervention of UN and NATO and degenerated into a civil war. As the events were largely covered in media, the article focuses on highlighting different media frames that were used in accordance with the media … [Read more...]
Criza Ciad-Libia
Cosmin LOTREANU Articolul de faţă tratează un spaţiu geopolitic istoric, Ciadul, ţară situată la frontiera între lumea arabă şi Africa. Acest spaţiu a constituit de-a lungul secolelor un teren de luptă contra principalelor puteri politice regionale şi internaţionale. Ciadul semnifică, geopolitic, … [Read more...]