David A. JONES Once in a century the wind of opportunity brings a Völkerfrühling or “Springtime of Peoples” to multiple countries at the same time. Three examples stand out: 1848, 1968, and 2011, with the most recent example being known as the “Arab Spring” that affected Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and … [Read more...]
The Arab Spring: A Warm Welcome from Tehran
Walter POSCH Tehran welcomed the “Arab Spring” almost enthusiastically; Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei likened the fall of Hosni Mubarak to that of the Shah and consequently interpreted the events of 2011 as a fulfillment of the 1979 Iranian Revolution. All Iranian decision makers of the generation … [Read more...]
The Arab Spring and the Balance Of Power in the Middle East
Ştefan GEORGESCU, Marian ZIDARU The series of protests and demonstrations across the Middle East and North Africa has become known as the "Arab Spring". As of November 2011, governments have been overthrown in three countries: Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. The geopolitical implications of the protests … [Read more...]
De la costofwar.com la occupywallst.org. „geopolitica” crizei sistemului global
Dacian DUNA, Valentina-Tania DUNA Această lucrare explică criza economică la nivel mondial în ceea ce privește un lanț de evenimente care a început la 9/11 și a continuat cu criza energetică a anilor 2000, colapsul financiar din 2008 până la criza datoriilor suverane din Europa, care a început în … [Read more...]
Preparing for “Clash of Civilizations”: Divide, Conquer and Rule “New Middle East”
Mahdi Darius NAZEMROAYA The name "Arab Spring" is a catch phrase concocted in distant offices in Washington, London, Paris, and Brussels by individuals and groups who, other than having some superficial knowledge of the region, know very little about the Arabs. What is unfolding amongst the Arab … [Read more...]
Libya – Behind the Abstract Concepts of Freedom and Democracy
Oana ŞTEFĂNIŢĂ Within the Arab Spring, Libyan revolution differentiated through the intervention of UN and NATO and degenerated into a civil war. As the events were largely covered in media, the article focuses on highlighting different media frames that were used in accordance with the media … [Read more...]
The “Arab Spring”, a Winter of the World?
Christian TAMAS The nuances specific to the Muslim thinking are not easy to understand, especially from the angle of view of the contemporary Western world which often ignores the fact that Islam is, beyond religion, an ideology deeply marked by ethnicity and confessionalism. Replacing the faithful … [Read more...]
Primăvara Arabă
Gemaledin Septar SEVINCI Pentru mai mult de o jumătate de secol, lumea arabă a trăit sub un nor. Din Algeria până în Yemen, dictatori și autocrații apucă și ţin de putere impunând voința lor asupra oamenilor lor în lungă suferință. Tunisia a devenit locul de naștere al Primăverii Arabe atunci când … [Read more...]
The February Revolution of 2011: a Harbinger of Arab Spring
Steven Alan SAMSON In a column posted on the day of Ronald Reagan's centenary and Super Bowl Sunday, February 6, 2011, Barry Rubin delivered a punishing half-time assessment of the Obama Administration's Middle East policy. His chief point was simple: Do any of the chief actors in the region … [Read more...]