Conf. univ. dr. Radu SĂGEATĂ Abstract. North Africa includes Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, as well as Libya and Egypt. It is important to note that the term ”North Africa”, particularly when used in North Africa and the Middle East, often refers only to the countries of the Maghreb and Libya. … [Read more...]
SFÂRŞITUL PRIMĂVERII ARABE, PERENITATEA ANOTIMPURILOR RUSEŞTI? – O nouă repoziţionare geopolitică şi geostrategică a Rusiei în Nordul Africii –
Dr. Romulus HÂLDAN Abstract. The great failed experiment, so pompously called "the Arab Spring", has been characterized by economic damages, chaos and the proliferation of terrorism in the countries which remained without masters. The Americans have set off all this chaos, believing that they will … [Read more...]
The Autocrats of the Peace Talk Table: Völkerfrühling or the Springtime of Peoples The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Atlantic Council’s Action Plan. What will be the destiny of the “Arab Spring”?
David A. JONES Once in a century the wind of opportunity brings a Völkerfrühling or “Springtime of Peoples” to multiple countries at the same time. Three examples stand out: 1848, 1968, and 2011, with the most recent example being known as the “Arab Spring” that affected Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and … [Read more...]
The Arab Spring and the Balance Of Power in the Middle East
Ştefan GEORGESCU, Marian ZIDARU The series of protests and demonstrations across the Middle East and North Africa has become known as the "Arab Spring". As of November 2011, governments have been overthrown in three countries: Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. The geopolitical implications of the protests … [Read more...]
Interviu cu Excelenţa Sa Dr. Mohammed Saeed AL-SHAKARCHI, Ambasador Extraordinar şi Plenipotenţiar al Republicii Irak în România
Excelenţă, ”Primăvara arabă” este un nou început pentru lumea arabă. Ce efecte în plan politic şi social a adus această revoltă a maselor în statele islamice? Cred că este vorba despre un nou capitol sau un punct de cotitură în evoluţia lumii arabe. După decenii de dictatură sau regimuri … [Read more...]
La Tunisie s’apprête à écrire une nouvelle page de son histoire
Interview avec Son Excellence Mahbouba CHEBBI GUIGA, Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire de la République de Tunisie en Roumanie Votre Excellence, «Printemps arabe» est un nouveau départ pour la Tunisie. Quels sont les effets politiques et sociaux induits de la révolte des … [Read more...]
Declaration of Her Excellency Mrs. Saloua Bahri
Saloua BAHRI Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia and Dean of the African Group Honourable representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Your Excellencies, Heads of Diplomatic Missions and International Organizations, President and members of African-Romanian Friendship … [Read more...]
Remarks by President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali President of the Republic of Tunisia at the 25th France-Africa Summit
Delivered on his behalf by Mr. Mohamed GHANNOUCHI, Prime Minister In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate Your Excellency President Nicolas Sarkozy, President of the French Republic, Your Excellencies Heads of State and Government, Ladies and Gentlemen, …This Summit of ours is … [Read more...]