Radu Robert HERVIAN The Occupy Wall Street protest will definitely be the story of 2011. Remains to be seen if it will continue to be the story of 2012 and the lasting impact if any, they will leave into the social and economic stages at the time when a historic recession has hit the world making … [Read more...]
De la costofwar.com la occupywallst.org. „geopolitica” crizei sistemului global
Dacian DUNA, Valentina-Tania DUNA Această lucrare explică criza economică la nivel mondial în ceea ce privește un lanț de evenimente care a început la 9/11 și a continuat cu criza energetică a anilor 2000, colapsul financiar din 2008 până la criza datoriilor suverane din Europa, care a început în … [Read more...]
The Fantastic Success of Occupy Wall Street
Commentary No. 315, Oct. 15, 2011 http://iwallerstein.com/fantastic-success-occupy-wall-street/ The Occupy Wall Street movement – for now it is a movement – is the most important political happening in the United States since the uprisings in 1968, whose direct descendant or continuation it … [Read more...]