Am.(r) dr. Romulus HÂLDAN Abstract. The entry of the Crimea peninsula in the composition of the Russian Federation, as well as the increased tensions between Ukraine and Russia, but also the clear tendency of the Russian Federation to dominate the Black Sea, the Azov Sea and the related straits, … [Read more...]
Prof. univ. dr. Constantin ONIŞOR Dr. Octavian MITU Abstract. New realities in dynamics increasingly impose an innovation, transformation, or reform of the UN. Romania, based on experience, may occupy a non-permanent place for East Europe in the UN Security Council next year. We have a few … [Read more...]
Hashtag: #Daesh: Transformation of Western Youngsters into Jihadi Fighters
Prof. univ. dr. Cristian BARNA Why do we need to live in the ”us” and ”the others” paradigm? Who and why would somebody want the other’s death? Radicalisation of the youngsters is the one-way road in search of identity. The role of social media in radicalising western youngsters is … [Read more...]
Strategies for Organizational Transformation, a Complexity Approach to Intelligence
Aitana BOGDAN Abstract. Lucrarea îşi propune să abordeze o temă mult discutată în interiorul studiilor de intelligence, respectiv transformarea organizaţiilor de intelligence. Pornind de la teoria sistemelor complexe, articolul analizează schimbările survenite în interiorul modelelor … [Read more...]
Transformation of Sino-Russian Military-Technical Cooperation Model
Elena KOLOMINA This article's purpose is to outline the milestones and key characteristics of transformation of Sino-Russian cooperation in the realm of military procurements. The development of military-technical relationship of the two countries has been somewhat contradictory. After one and a … [Read more...]
The Model Rivalry or the Rivalry of Models? Turkey – Qatar Relations in the Aftermath of the Arab Spring
Yevgeniya GABER The article gives a comparative analysis of the two developmental models that are most likely to shape the transformational processes that have been caused by the popular revolts taking place in the Middle Eastern countries since early 2011 and generally known as the “Arab Spring”. … [Read more...]
Forţele navale ale lumii, între evoluţie şi transformare
Romulus HÂLDAN Forțele Navale ale lumii fac parte din tendința generală de evoluție, specifică la începutul acestui secol. Evoluția rapidă a acestei transformări, în comparație cu cea a altor categorii ale forțelor armate, se datorează schimbărilor zdrobitoare ale conceptelor de luptă, această … [Read more...]