Marian Vasile NAZARE Riots within the Arab world have started in Tunisia on the 17th of December 2010, spreading fast to other Muslim countries: Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Sudan, Djibouti, Jordan, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Somalia, Bahrain and … [Read more...]
Rivalităţile geopolitice din regiunea Golfului Persic şi viitorul Eurasiei
Marian Vasile NAZARE Golful Persic - "Golful prejudecăţii" (F. Halliday), "zona de conflict a intereselor mari" (H. Hodson) și "autostrada economică a lumii" (S. Naji, J. Jawan) - este una dintre cele mai tensionate, conflictuale și imprevizibile regiuni ale lumii. Rivalităţile dintre super puteri … [Read more...]
Political and Social Participation in Iran
Mohammad Reza HAFEZNIA Zahra AHMADIPOR Political history of Iran in the past shows that the people of Iran have been deprived from the opportunities in participation and political decision making, and the kings and rulers basically were not believer on such right for the people. The first … [Read more...]