Mrd. Dan Răzvan RADU Abstract. The rapid development of modern information and communication technologies has had a major impact on all social, economical, political and cultural fields, and also on the daily life of the individual. Basically, easy access to information and communication technology … [Read more...]
Reţelele de socializare şi siguranţa naţională
Dan Ion OPREA Social networking is the mean of remote social expression and now is part of our lives. The article provides an overview of experiences and insights upon social networks starting from the very personal performance towards more complicated issues of critical infrastructure both … [Read more...]
Puncte de vedere privind cooperarea în domeniul Intelligence-ului în cadrul UE și necesitatea dezvoltării cooperării între Uniunea Europeană şi Alianţa Nord-Atlantică
Tiberiu TĂNASE Cooperation in the field of Intelligence brings in a new phase: moving the center of gravity from sharing general information to cooperation in certain cases and action, as means to turn to optimal account the potential of the partners involved. In such circumstances it is necessary … [Read more...]