The underlying text analyzes the benefits of a functional Bucharest – Riyādh axis from at least two perspectives: security and economy, thus bringing forth the common values and objectives of the two states.
Diplomacy has always been a strong point for the Romanian state, especially because it was accompanied by a formidable geopolitical reasoning. Therefore, Romania not only managed to survive as a state during the darkest days of European history, but established itself as an unique actor on the global stage, the result of being the only Latin-Orthodox nation. Its unique history together with its geographic position as part of the Western world (at least after the admission in the European Union) but in the close vicinity of the Balkans, the Caucasus and the Middle East, made it possible for Bucharest to be at least a cultural bridge between them.
The return of Romania in the East with an economic and mediator role must be a priority in building a long and medium term national strategy, a product of not only the strategic importance of this region but also of the excellent traditional relations that our country has with the countries in these areas.
To achieve all of these, Romania must build its own strategy for the Middle East, in a NATO and European Union framework. Therefore, looking towards Riyādh and building a functional bilateral axis is desirable, not only for security reasons, but for economic reasons as well.