Drd. Alexandru Cristinel CHIŢU*
Abstract. The geopolitical redefinition of Romania is related both to the global geopolitical conjuncture and to internal factors such as the population’s level of education or their ability to cooperate on the fulfillment of a nation-wide project. The multiplication of geopolitical actors, the emergence of regional crises in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, in particular through Russia’s hybrid war in Ukraine and European Union, the scarcity of natural gases and oil resources, strengthening the role of international law and of international organizations through cooperation are all external factors beneficial to our country. From this perspective, my vision is to build and promote a new route for both energy and trade goods through Romania, thus solving the energy problems of the great geopolitical actors, whilst building a geopolitical profile predominant for our country.
* Doctorand la Academia de Poliţie „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Bucureşti