ing. Radu ANDRICIUC* Abstract. Relations with the peoples of the Balkans constituted a paradigm for Romania. Relations with the people and the Montenegrin state are part of this framework, relationship that has not been disturbed, no time, changes in the geostrategic generated by major players … [Read more...]
Dr. Cristian BARNA* Abstract. In his European „rimland”, the proximity to a Russian-phobic Europe, fearsome of traumatic reminiscences of the Cold War represents a worrying factor for the Russian Federation. The … [Read more...]
Reconfigurarea strategică a centrelor de putere
Starting from approaching the aspects of globalism, technological, economical and cultural progress of the contemporary world, the paper focuses on the reconfiguration of the strategic interests of the power hot spots, the latest breaking brand new emergent power poles, the dogfight for supremacy in … [Read more...]
European Union: Western Empire or Russian Periphery?
Mădălina Virginia ANTONESCU This article is proposing to explore briefly the dichotomist, even paradoxical condition of EU, an original entity which can be regarded at the same time, as a postmodern form of empire, with two strategic directions of expansion (towards Balkans and towards Central Asia … [Read more...]
Geopolitica zonelor de falie
Gheorghe VĂDUVA Timpurile moderne au adus o nouă dimensiune, atât în ceea ce priveşte relaţiile politice condiţionate geografic, cât şi realităţile geografice interpretate politic sau traduse în termeni politici. Epocile anterioare au adus în atenţia lumii, în general prin modelele, instrumentele … [Read more...]