Abstract. Due to its geographical position the North of Africa has been considered a target for the infrastructures that assure the transport of resources through the Mediterranean Sea to the Middle East, Europe, Asia and Africa. Geographically, the North of Africa also means the South of Europe and the West of the Middle East and Asia. Bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, this region has a major importance to the commercial and defensive transports among the aforementioned areas. More recently, its resources and potential have entered the route of the Chinese One Belt One Road plan. The strategic importance of the region given by the proximity of the Mediterranean Sea or the Middle East for example but also the threats it entails after becoming a source of piracy, illegal immigration and terrorist infiltrations have put a new light on its potential. The strategic implications of the One Belt One Road project in the North of Africa will be further observed in the light of the Chinese interests in the Northern Africa and of the impact and dynamic that the Chinese initiative brings to the area.