Amiral (r) dr. Romulus HÂLDAN Abstract: The war in Syria and Russia's involvement in this war, but also other recent events, such as the wave of migration and the discovery of important deposits of oil and especially natural gas in the eastern Mediterranean, have produced important geostrategic and … [Read more...]
Rise of China and the US ‘Asia Pivot’ Policy: Regional and Global Implications
The ‘Rising China’ phenomenon is known to be one of the most significant events of the 21st Century which is causing tensions amongst the polar powers. The U.S. gradual shift from asymmetric level of warfare to a more traditional form of rivalry, apparent from the rebalancing act in Asia mainly due … [Read more...]
The Geo-Politics of the Strait of Hormuz: Could the U.S. Navy Be Defeated by Iran in the Persian Gulf?
Mahdi Darius NAZEMROAYA After years of U.S. threats, Iran is taking steps which suggest that is both willing and capable of closing the Strait of Hormuz. On December 24, 2011 Iran started its Velayat-90 naval drills in and around the Strait of Hormuz and extending from the Persian Gulf and Gulf of … [Read more...]
Golful Persic şi aspectele geostrategice ale disputelor asupra teritoriilor sale maritime
Romulus HÂLDAN Golful Persic este important în primul rând, nu pentru rezervele de petrol majore în zona sa, ci pentru poziția sa geostrategică. Aceasta poziţie geostrategică are multiple influenţe, inclusiv ecuația complicată a petrolului. Disputele pe teritoriile limitrofe Golfului Persic, pe … [Read more...]