Dr. Vasile NAZARE Abstract. The Black Sea, although it could not compete with the Mediterranean or with the Persian Gulf, it actually had its own role throughout the history due to its geo-economic, geopolitical and geostrategic importance. The discovery of massive energetic resources in the … [Read more...]
The Cyber Military Balance in Gulf Region
Răzvan MUNTEANU Motto: “For governments in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), cybersecurity is just as important as military hardware”. Theodore Karasik1,. Abstract. Schimbarea paradigmei războiului aduce în discuţie importanţa capabilităţilor militare cibernetice în noua ecuaţie a puterii … [Read more...]
Ameninţarea cibernetică şi problematica securitizării informaţiilor – o analiză critică a conceptelor de ciber-putere şi ciber-spaţiu –
Sebastian SÂRBU In this paper are approached from a researcher angle and analyzed the concepts of cyber-space, cyber-power both from the security school perspective, of the international organizations, and from the civil society point of view. Are introduced herewith the documents and the … [Read more...]