Motto: “For governments in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), cybersecurity is just as important as military hardware”.
Theodore Karasik1,.
Abstract. Schimbarea paradigmei războiului aduce în discuţie importanţa capabilităţilor militare cibernetice în noua ecuaţie a puterii statului. În regiunea Golfului Persic, din acest motiv, Iran este ţara cea mai bine poziţionată în acest moment, fapt care creşte gradul de insecuritate pentru statele membre ale CCG. Posibilitatea izbucnirii unui război regional cibernetic este un scenariu plauzibil, care are câteva variabile, incluzând evoluţia relaţiilor Iranului cu CCG, interesul actorilor externi şi în special abilitatea statelor CCG pentru a întări securitatea lor cibernetică.
Abstract. The war paradigm’s shift brings into question the importance of cyber military capabilities in the new equation of the state power. In the Persian Gulf region, for this matter, Iran is the best positioned country at the time, fact that increases the degree of insecurity for the GCC member states. The possibility of an outbreak of cybernetic regional war is a plausible scenario that takes several variables, including the evolution of Iran’s relations with the GCC, the interest of external actors and especially the ability of GCC states to strengthen their cyber security.
Key words: cyber security, military power, Gulf Cooperation Council, Iran, Saudi Arabia, cyber war, security.
PhD. Candidate Faculty of Political Science, National School of Political Studies and Public Administration/ POSDRU Scholar: POSDRU/187/1.5/ S/155589 Beneficiary Institution: National School of Political Studies and Public Administration
1 director of research at the Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis
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