Sergiu TAMAŞ After having belonged, for hundreds of years, to backward economic and technologic areas, China, India, Brazil and other emerging countries became the elements of some important economic growth, substantially contributing to global development. The most spectacular aspect of these … [Read more...]
USA in the Persian Gulf
Seyed AKBAR The Persian Gulf as world's largest strategic area has become the area of the international rivalry for energy resources. The gaining control over this area is geostrategically an important issue for the Americans. The Second World War heralded the end of European domination, however , … [Read more...]
The United States and the Middle East: a new Beginning
Monica ALEXANDRU The Middle East, while a quite popular notion in our time, remains ambiguous from the geographic point of view. It usually includes Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Iraq and the countries from the Arabian Peninsula. Many times, Egypt, Afghanistan and Pakistan and Turkey are … [Read more...]
Russian and American Conflicting Policies in Central Asia
Slobodan JANKOVIC The following text describes the Russia’s and USA conflicting policies in the Central Asia. This region is valued of strategic interest not only for Moscow’s interests, but also for the Washington power projection. Constant Russian economic and political recovery after 1998 and … [Read more...]
Impactul convergenţei intereselor geostrategice ale marilor actori mondiali asupra geopoliticii energetice caspice şi central-asiatice – Primul deceniu al secolului XXI-
Tudor BLÂNDU Creșterea dependenței energetice a producătorilor industriali mari direct proporțional cu consumul în creștere a dus la căutarea unor noi zone care posedă resurse de hidrocarburi. Regiunea din jurul Mării Caspice, inclusiv regiunea Caucazului la Vest și Asia Centrală, la Vest, Rusia și … [Read more...]
Imposibila independenţă a Asiei Centrale?
Central Asia represents today one of the most important subject in oil geopolitics, because many states recognize that this region is last one where is possible to spent less money, but with good results. In fact, we can consider Central Asia like last frontier before ocean energy resources, and, in … [Read more...]
Possible next Stages in the Global Economic Situation – an Attempt at Interpretation of Various Forecasts –
Come Carpentier de Gourdon Predictions, rumours and warnings are flying in thick flocks in media space. Hopeful visions of recovery, backed by assurances that “the worst is behind us” are vying for attention with ominous alarm calls about the tidal wave that may be heading our way. What are some of … [Read more...]
Winning Hearts before Wars – the U.S. and the Muslim World
Husain HAQQANI (articol pus la dispoziţie prin amabilitatea domnului Sobhi Ghandour, Publisher, Al-Hewar Magazine, Al-Hewar Center) Rezumat: Linia favorită de pe coperta lui Newsweek după 9/11, “De ce ne urăsc?”, a venit din presupunerea că anumiţi oameni sunt dornici să îşi dea … [Read more...]
„ADIO, ARME”? sau America despre ea însăşi: Huntington şi Brzezinski
Dan DUNGACIU “Interesul naţional derivă din identitatea naţională. Trebuie să ştim cine suntem înainte de a şti care ne sunt interesele.” Samuel Huntington „Această carte este influenţată de propria mea identitate, ca patriot şi ca cercetător. Ca patriot, sunt profund preocupat de unitatea şi … [Read more...]
Ethnic Minorities and the Nation-State: Can the American Experience Be of Use to Europe?
Leland Conley BARROWS Ni se oferă o privire rapidă, în stil impresionist, a configuraţiei etnice a Statelor Unite, cu accent pe rolul mişcării Drepturilor Civile de după 1954, ca factor mobilizator al diverselor mişcări de afirmare a etnicităţii. Autorul trasează o paralelă cu situaţia din Europa, … [Read more...]