Anul XIII, nr. 62 (4 / 2015) SUMAR EDITORIAL Vasile SIMILEANU- Migraţiile: de la normalitate la riscuri geopolitice INTERVIU Cleopatra LORINŢIU - Un dialog cu Excelenţa Sa Dl. Saker MALKAWI, Ambasador al Regatului Haşemit al Iordaniei la Bucureşti Cleopatra LORINŢIU … [Read more...]
Problems of Energy Security of Ukraine and the EU. Risks and Possible Solutions
Andrey VOLOSHIN Energy is one of the most important and integral components of Ukraine’s economy. At the same time, energy security is one of the weakest links in the country’s national security strategy. In this regard, the present-day Ukraine the most important problem is the implementation of … [Read more...]
Life is Always Filled with Sticky Windows
Robert Radu HERVIAN “The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults” wrote Alexis-Charles-Henri Clérel de Tocqueville, a 19th Century French historian and politician, famous for his in depth analysis of the American … [Read more...]