Drd. György TODORAN* Academia Naţională de Informaţii „Mihai Viteazul”, în colaborare cu Institutul Naţional de Informaţii şi Securitate „Bogdan Întemeietorul” din Republica Moldova, sub auspiciile Programului pentru Pace şi Securitate al NATO, a organizat în perioada 28-29 septembrie 2013 … [Read more...]
”We are Supporting all the International Stakeholders Involved in Efforts to Bring Peace to The Middle East”
Interview with His Excellency Bogdan AURESCU, Minister of Foreign Affairs Your Excellency, Romania initiated diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1995. What was the reason for this and why hasn’t it done before 1989? Bogdan AURESCU: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia did not have … [Read more...]
Kremlin Inforwars: Ukraine Struggles to Overcome Russian Disinformation Campaign
Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has been a hybrid affair involving direct military intervention, economic coercion and a massive information offensive. In many ways, this information aspect has been the most effective element of the entire campaign. It has been a complex affair, involving the … [Read more...]
Politica de îngrădire a Rusiei şi conflictul ucrainean – scurtă analiză –
Vladimir Putin, a proponent of Realpolitik, had triggered in 2014 a series of events in the Black Sea Crimean Area by attaching and supporting the insurgents in eastern Ukraine. Although surprising, the Russian actions are justified both for historical reasons and especially through the concept that … [Read more...]
Ukraine – Let’s Think European
One of the most distressing aspects of the way the situation in Ukraine is dealt with is the regularity with which the fundamental nature of the aggressor’s political regime is ignored. Today’s Russia is certainly not Stalin’s - or even Brezhnev’s - USSR, nor is it Nazi Germany, Italy in Fascist … [Read more...]
Impact of the NATO and OSCE on Stability in Ukraine
Russia has violated numerous international agreements, treacherously attacked Ukraine and occupied a part of its territory. Ukrainians are in the process of restoring Kiev’s control in the east, despite the neglect of the army under former President Yanukovych. We are thankful to all international … [Read more...]
Europa post-Vilnius – de la vis la calvar
Tensions in Ukraine show that European diplomacy is weak and divided. Engaging in complicated projects, like the expansion into the former areas of the USSR, creates difficulties to EU. However, tensions in Ukraine illustrated us duplicitous policy of the EU and the ease of violating international … [Read more...]
Greater Black Sea Area: Challenges of History and Modernity – Interview with Professor Alla YAZKOVA [1. Published in Dialog of Seas Review, No.1, 2014] Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Alla YAZKOVA, Head of the Center for Black Sea – Mediterranean Studies of the Institute of Europe of the RAS in Moscow, tells about her institute’s scientific concerns related to the region of the Black and Mediterranean seas.
Geo-strategic aspects First of all, we need to determine what kind of region is that. Because both politics and scientific interpretation of political process bears two dimensions of it. The first one is the actual Black Sea region - the way it has been for centuries until the end of the Cold War … [Read more...]
Ukraine, NATO and non-alignment
Ukraine participates in all major missions of NATO and considers joint response to threats a necessity. This, essentially, is Ukraine’s current input into global security. But what ensures Ukraine’s security? When discussing national security, Ukrainian governmental officials prefer to speak in … [Read more...]
Uniunile economice – un viitor pilon geopolitic
Uniunea Europeană şi cea Euroasiatică Between 22 and 24 May 2013 held in Astana (the Capital of Kazakhstan), the 6th International Economic Forum. A large attendance of about 10,000 people of which 3,000 from 132 countries discussed Economic, Social and Political issues that affect the present, and … [Read more...]