Anghel ANDREESCU, Nicolae RADU The instability in the Middle East, the escalation of the differences in opinions within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), whose members are Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait and Qatar. Certainly, the instability in the Middle East does … [Read more...]
KAUST represents unlimited opportunity
Interview with Brian MORAN, PhD, Dean of Graduate Affairs Named Professor, Mechanical Engineering Michael-Bogdan MARGINEANU: For how long have you been at KAUST and in Saudi Arabia? Brian MORAN: I’ve been at KAUST - King Abdullah University of Science And Technology for six and a half years. I … [Read more...]
”Ever since the Saudi Embassy opened in Bucharest, the Diplomatic Relations have evolved Significantly”
Interview of His Excellency Abdulrahman I. AL RASSI, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Vasile SIMILEANU: Your Excellency, since 1989 Romania keeps going through a process of political, economic, military and strategic transformations. How do you see these transformations? Abdulrahman I. … [Read more...]
”We are Supporting all the International Stakeholders Involved in Efforts to Bring Peace to The Middle East”
Interview with His Excellency Bogdan AURESCU, Minister of Foreign Affairs Your Excellency, Romania initiated diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1995. What was the reason for this and why hasn’t it done before 1989? Bogdan AURESCU: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia did not have … [Read more...]
Facing Global Challenges in a Spirit of Determination by Prince Saud AL FAISAL – Minister of Foreign Affairs
Prince Saud AL FAISAL - Minister of Foreign Affairs The world is undergoing enormous changes that have affected security and political realities across the Middle East. Many states in the region are facing threats to their very existence; others have managed to pave a road to security and stability … [Read more...]
Saudi Arabia – a new Vision
Vasile SIMILEANU Ever since childhood the Middle East and the Arab-Islamic culture fascinated us. Our teachers showed us in great detail the novelty and the less known world of the Arab Peninsula. Over the years, we learned that we have different religions, different languages and different … [Read more...]
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Pivot or Regional Power Centre?
Abstract: In the present context it is spoken increasingly about the complicated situation in the Middle East. In this regard, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia plays a significant role in the geopolitical and geostrategical plan. From this point of view, we present the challenges that exist in the … [Read more...]
Saudi Arabia vs. Iran: Religion, Identity, Legitimacy in a Geo-Political Confrontation
Saudi Arabia-Iran confrontation, while stressing a clear interest in maintaining and expanding territorial control over the huge oil resources, must at least consider the following other factors affecting their behavior: a) a different religious creed (Sunni and Shiite), although within the Muslim … [Read more...]
Falii geopolitice în Golful Arabo-Persic
Radu SĂGEATĂ Situat în centrul unui vast teritoriu păstrat împreună de Islam, Golful Arabo-Persan într-un element de discontinuitate etnică, separând populațiile arabe care trăiesc în Peninsula Arabică (în vest) de cele din Podișul iranian (în est) . Este, de asemenea, un decalaj cultural-religios … [Read more...]