George Sam HAMONTREE III Criza Statului Islamic al Irakului şi al-Sham (ISIS) continuă să crească în Orientul Mijlociu, Africa de Nord şi chiar incidente izolate pe glob. Mulţi cred că actele oribile şi inumane din Africa se datorează intoleranţei religioase şi asociate cu agenda ISIS. Deşi … [Read more...]
The long term Environment-Production Puzzles Solution as Sustenable Bridge between Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and European Union
Severin CĂZĂNESCU, Dan Ion OPREA The study follows the chain of events, landmarks and institutions established by Saudi Arabia in recent decades concerning measures to avoid depletion of living conditions and rehabilitation of natural environment. The article estimates that by developing coherent … [Read more...]
THE SAUDI RISING POWER – from Regional to International –
Year XIII, no. 59 (1 / 2015) TABLE OF CONTENTS EDITORIAL Vasile SIMILEANU - Saudi Arabia - a New Vision ARGUMENT Prince Saud AL FAISAL - Facing Global Challenges in a Spirit of Determination INTERVIU Vasile SIMILEANU - Interview with His Excellency Bogdan AURESCU, Minister of Foreign … [Read more...]