Isa MULAJ Many geographical regions, states, and locations have been the target of acquisition and control for certain strategic objectives throughout the history. In most common cases, the aim was related to the use and exploitation of resources (natural unexplored, those already created by the … [Read more...]
North Africa and the Near East – Iran
Benjamin E. THOMAS Petroleum is by far the most important product of Iran. The export of oil, by value, is normally several times that of all other exports combined and the Iranian government largely depends upon the income from oil for its expenses and for the foreign exchange. Usually the … [Read more...]
Le Maghreb et la nouvelle configuration migratoire (mobilité et réseaux)
Cosmin LOTREANU Africa de Nord (Maghreb) a reprezentat dintotdeauna un spaţiu geopolitic important. Ţările maghrebiene, situate la sud de Europa mediteraneană, la nord de Sahara şi la vest de lumea musulmană, au o dublă natură geografică. Pe de o parte, Marocul cu faţada sa atlantică şi, pe de altă … [Read more...]