Anna GUSSAROVA Securitatea cibernetică în Kazahstan: trenduri şi provocări actuale Abstract. Influenţa în creştere a tehnologiilor informaţiei şi comunicaţiilor în toate sferele vieţii împreună cu oportunităţile au format un nou punct vulnerabil. Structura relaţiilor sociale şi rolul statelor ca … [Read more...]
Significance of cyber-security in modern age: outlook from Azerbaijan
This article aims and providing the reader with the notion of why cyber-security is significant in the modern world of international relations and framework of international security. Author discusses shifts in international security towards digitalization of the threats and criminalization of … [Read more...]
Puterile navale majore ale lumii în faţa cyberterorismului
Cyber terrorism is the newest form of manifestation of terrorism and, undoubtedly, it will gain unimaginable scale, primarily for the fact that it does not require human sacrifices, and, secondly, because it can produce destructive effects with minimum investment. A single computer, operated by a … [Read more...]
Sisteme globale de comunicare şi comportament Cyber Security 2014
Radu NICOLAE Spaţiul cibernetic reprezintă mai mult decât un concept teoretic. Realitatea spaţiului cibernetic este definită tot mai puternic prin tehnologia wireless, comunicaţiile prin telefoane mobile, tranzacţiile bancare, cu beneficii clare, dar şi cu riscuri greu de anticipat. Comunicaţiile … [Read more...]
Buna guvernanţă cibernetică, fundament al securităţii cibernetice
There is no doubt cybersecurity is of global concern. Now we witness new governance and security concepts which include more nations, more players, and more tools. The purpose of this paper is to draw the attention on the relevance and importance of good governance for cyberspace security. First and … [Read more...]
Homociberneticus şi geopolitica secolului XXI
In the 21st century, humanity is now on the position to transform itself, because the technology represents today one of the main key for understanding states, public institutions, private companies and citizens. On this new socio-political paradigm, some old ideas must be reconsidered, to open new … [Read more...]