Vasile SIMILEANU Golful Persic (arabă: الخليج الفارسي, al-khalīj al-farsi, persană: خليج فارس, khalīj-e-fārs) cu o suprafaţă de 233,000 km² (aproximativ egală cu suprafața României) a reprezentat confluenţa unor culturi şi civilizaţii de importanţă deosebită. Tendinţele hegemonice ale unor state … [Read more...]
The Economic Crisis of the Western System – a Geopolitical Approach
Tiberio GRAZIANI Concerning the ongoing crisis several analyses have been performed, generally from an economic point of view. In this context, several studies have been produced with the purpose of analysing the impact of the crisis on global economy and on worldwide industrial systems. The … [Read more...]