If there were only 46 sovereign states in the beginning of the 20th century, during the first decade of next one hundred years, this total went over 200, from which 192 states were already members of the UN. New entries, such as West Timor (2002) and Montenegro (2006), have gained their independence … [Read more...]
The Economic Crisis of the Western System – a Geopolitical Approach
Tiberio GRAZIANI Concerning the ongoing crisis several analyses have been performed, generally from an economic point of view. In this context, several studies have been produced with the purpose of analysing the impact of the crisis on global economy and on worldwide industrial systems. The … [Read more...]
Dimensiuni aplicative ale coordonatelor protecţiei minorităţilor naţionale şi etnice în România: minoritatea turco-tătară
Ella CIUPERCĂ Motto: “… Identitatea noastră e o idee, (…) un monogram sub care adunăm ca sub un titlu şi punem în legătură frunzele risipite ale vieţii noastre”. Mihai Eminescu, 1883 Din cauza diversității lumii noastre actuale și amestecului de grupuri etnice trăind în fiecare stat, … [Read more...]