Mrd. Dan Răzvan RADU Abstract. The rapid development of modern information and communication technologies has had a major impact on all social, economical, political and cultural fields, and also on the daily life of the individual. Basically, easy access to information and communication technology … [Read more...]
Cyberterrorism – The New Threat of the 21st Century
Dr. NAZARE I. VASILE Abstract: The unprecedented development of new information and communication technologies (IT), the increased dependence of our society’s functioning and development of information systems, all these have also generated a perverse effect: the increased vulnerability of the … [Read more...]
O introspecţie în mediul virtual. Cyberspace: cel de-al Treilea Război Mondial?
Alexandra POPESCU „Nu ştiu cu ce arme va fi luptat cel de-al treilea război mondial, dar cu siguranţă cel de-al patrulea va fi luptat cu beţe şi pietre.” Albert Einstein Abstract. Escaladarea procesului de globalizare, caracterizat de dezvoltare tehnologică şi informaţională fără precedent, în … [Read more...]
Cyber Diplomacy: Silver Lining for new Type of International Influence
"Amateurs hack systems, professionals hack people” Bruce Schneier The cyberspace has no borders. It’s an open, anonymous and stealth environment for the ones using it. International organizations often disseminate information on the Internet. Some of them are leading the people and convince them … [Read more...]
Significance of cyber-security in modern age: outlook from Azerbaijan
This article aims and providing the reader with the notion of why cyber-security is significant in the modern world of international relations and framework of international security. Author discusses shifts in international security towards digitalization of the threats and criminalization of … [Read more...]
Puterile navale majore ale lumii în faţa cyberterorismului
Cyber terrorism is the newest form of manifestation of terrorism and, undoubtedly, it will gain unimaginable scale, primarily for the fact that it does not require human sacrifices, and, secondly, because it can produce destructive effects with minimum investment. A single computer, operated by a … [Read more...]
Cyberspaţiul geopolitic şi impactul asupra securităţii informaţionale
Motto: ”Scopul meu constă în aceea ca să demonstrez existenţa strategiilor ca fenomene intrinseci ce se repetă şi apar ca urmare a unui conflict uman, şi nu în aceea ca să prescriu anumiţi algoritmi acţionali” (Edward N.Luttwak , Strategy: The Logic of War and Peace, anul 2012) Geopolitical … [Read more...]