This article aims and providing the reader with the notion of why cyber-security is significant in the modern world of international relations and framework of international security. Author discusses shifts in international security towards digitalization of the threats and criminalization of … [Read more...]
The Geostrategic and Economic Dimensions of BSDA 2008
Romeo OIȚĂ BSDA 2008 evolved both in the regional importance of the event and in regards to the complexity of the exhibition participants. The purpose of this manifestation is to become a bridge between the military and private security systems / equipment producers and users. The context in which … [Read more...]
Premise geopolitice şi geostrategice în gândirea politico-militară a geto-dacilor
Vasile NAZARE Existenţa turbulentă a unei naţiuni – a cărei existenţă a fost sub semnul unei bătălii continue pentru supravieţuire într-o zonă în care interesele imperiilor au întotdeauna în coliziune, conduce la analiza atentă a factorilor obiectivi şi subiectivi care au influenţat-o şi devine o … [Read more...]