If there were only 46 sovereign states in the beginning of the 20th century, during the first decade of next one hundred years, this total went over 200, from which 192 states were already members of the UN. New entries, such as West Timor (2002) and Montenegro (2006), have gained their independence … [Read more...]
Regional Languages in the United Europe: to be or not to be?
Maia EGOROVA In the process of the European Union integration there rises a question of the future of the regional languages. Two parallel processes are going on in today’s European Union: on the one hand, the creation of common supranational space, directed at the homogenization of the states … [Read more...]
Conceptul de etnie
Silviu COSTACHIE Articolul prezintă bazele unuia dintre cele mai importante concepte care au fost utilizate în geografia politică și geopolitică în ultimele 4 decade. Pe baza diferitelor puncte de vedere privind esența conceptului etnic, articolul arată originile termenului și cele mai importante … [Read more...]