Interview with His Excellency Osman Koray ERTAŞ Ambassador of Turkish Republic in Romania After the Cold War, significant changes are seen in the Caucasus. What are the main strategic priorities for Turkey in its relations with these countries? Osman Koray ERTAŞ: As a NATO member and EU candidate … [Read more...]
Crimeea – manifestări geopolitice
Photos by Diana Carp … [Read more...]
Criza refugiaţilor şi subminarea civilizaţiei occidentale – o perspectivă etică
Prof. dr. George HĂLĂRESCU Abstract. Criza refugiaţilor este o criză a civilizaţiei occidentale, deoarece arată capacitatea UE de a acţiona legal şi moral. Violarea drepturilor refugiaţilor, stipulată în convenţiilor internaţionale, finanţarea terorismului de către Turcia, Rusia şi SUA etc., şi … [Read more...]
Reţelele de socializare şi siguranţa naţională
Dan Ion OPREA Social networking is the mean of remote social expression and now is part of our lives. The article provides an overview of experiences and insights upon social networks starting from the very personal performance towards more complicated issues of critical infrastructure both … [Read more...]
Arhitectura Mării Negre în gramatica proiecţiei geostrategice
The Black Sea has a distinct culture in global geopolitics and present a great interest for the most influential Western geopolitical actors, geopolitical and geoeconomical projects and visions of regional organization in the third millennium. In the study, we analyzed the etymology of Black Sea … [Read more...]
Evoluţii geopolitice pe axa eurasiatică a Drumului Mătăsii
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the relations between Germany and Russia have experienced new dimensions, at the level of political and economic relations they became European allies in order to build a Eurasian economic conglomerate, which would have as centres Berlin and Moscow. In this respect … [Read more...]
Ucraina – între Est şi Vest
Catalogată drept cel mai dur test pentru securitatea europeană din secolul XXI, criza din Ucraina a reprezentat un moment de răscruce în relaţiile dintre Rusia şi Occident, marcând începutul unei perioade de divergenţe între cele două părţi. Cu un aparat de stat slăbit, o economie în pragul … [Read more...]
Europa post-Vilnius – de la vis la calvar
Tensions in Ukraine show that European diplomacy is weak and divided. Engaging in complicated projects, like the expansion into the former areas of the USSR, creates difficulties to EU. However, tensions in Ukraine illustrated us duplicitous policy of the EU and the ease of violating international … [Read more...]
Geopolitica secolului XXI Simpozion organizat sub egida Marii Loji Naţionale din România. – 26 februarie 2014 –
Miercuri, 26 februarie 2014, s-a desfăşurat primul simpozion din seria de evenimente similare pe care Marea Lojă Naţională din România intenţionează să le organizeze. Auditoriul, ce a umplut cu interes Aula Universităţii Creştine ”Dimitrie Cantemir” din Bucureşti, a participat la o călătorie în … [Read more...]
Geopolitics and Energy Strategies of the South Caucasus – Azerbaijan in Spotlight – March 17, 2014
A conference entitled “Geopolitics and energy strategies of the South Caucasus - Azerbaijan in spotlight” has been held in Bucharest with the support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. The event was attended by Azerbaijani MPs, Romanian intellectuals, writers, political analysts, heads of … [Read more...]