Aksoy METIN While leaving the 50th anniversary of the immigration behind, Turkish- originated population that immigrated to Europe is over 3.5 million and the majority of the population would not think of turning back or it does not seem possible to return for some reasons. The biggest country in … [Read more...]
The Spread of Orthodoxy in the Province of Courland in the 1880s as a Part of the Russian Empire’s Integration Politics
Kristīne ANTE After the 1795 the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia was incorporated in the Russian Empire. Even after it became one of the Empire’s provinces, the local particularism tendencies which were based on the historical privileges and rights of the Baltic German nobility and Ev. Lutheran … [Read more...]
Russia Constructs The Military Strike Groupment in the Central Asia
Vladimir Vasilievici KARYAKIN In conditions of NATO expansion in the sphere of Russian interests, aggravation of geopolitical concurrence for access to Central Asian energy resources and world instability caused by the global economic recession the Russian administration is focusing efforts on … [Read more...]
Ukraine – NATO: the Georgian Case?
Olga NECHAIEVA The article reveals the analysis regarding Ukraine’s NATO integration course in the framework of frozen conflicts resolution in Black Sea region, which makes Ukraine take collaboration with Russian Federation in consideration. Taking into account the delay with the decision on … [Read more...]
Aderarea Turciei la Uniunea Europeană
Dorel BUȘE Fiind conștientă de destinul ei european, Turcia a încercat de câteva ori să se alăture Uniunii Europene, dar negocierile pentru integrare reprezintă un proces lung și delicat. Din cauza poziției sale geografice, Turcia reprezintă o legătură între două lumi, două culturi și două religii … [Read more...]
Organisation des Femmes Réfugiées de la Roumanie. Un model de soutien aux initiatives des réfugiés en vue de leur intégration dans la société roumaine
Mbela NZUZI L'Organisation des Femmes Réfugiées de la Roumanie a été créée en Juin 2000 dans le cadre d'un programme financé par le Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les Réfugiés (UNHCR). OFRR est unique dans la promotion de l'assistance offerte par les réfugiés et destinée aux … [Read more...]
Interesul naţional al României şi procesul integrării europene
Silviu COSTACHIE Prezentând principalele domenii care vor fi implicate în procesul integrării europene, articolul aduce în discuție cele mai importante aspecte ce rezultă din intrarea României în NATO și UE: Într-un mod foarte personal, autorul susține și explică care sunt principalele interese ale … [Read more...]