Prof. univ. dr. Dumitru CODIŢĂ* Abstract. This approach aims to highlight the main issues relating to how international humanitarian law is contributing to peace and international security. For this purpose it will take into account the complementarities that exist between humanitarian law with … [Read more...]
Dr. Serhii HAKMAN* Abstract. The article studies the Russian-Ukrainian current confrontation. The author analyzes the provisions of the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, basic documents of the international law and the bilateral Russian-Ukrainian agreements violated by the Russian Federation towards … [Read more...]
Architectural Heritage and Symbolic Historic Sites: Negative Effects of Conflicts and Infringements of International Provisions
Glauco D’AGOSTINO În afara unei evidente dezaprobări a războiului şi a efectelor sale adverse, este un tip de inacţiune în recunoaşterea patrimoniului artistic şi a siturilor istorice simbolice drept mijloace de armonie între oameni, exact în spiritul rafinării sentimentului civic şi social pe … [Read more...]
Complexul fluvio-maritim Marea Nordului – Rin – Main – Dunăre – Marea Neagră – valenţe de securitate în contextul geopolitic din zona Mării Negre –
The North Sea - Rhine - Main - Danube - Black Sea waterway system links 16 states and facilitates transport via 9 large rivers which make up the 7th European waterway corridor. This corridor simplifies transport between Western Europe and the South Danube states and between the North Sea and the … [Read more...]
Fratele-i la poartă: Invazia Federaţiei Ruse în Crimeea şi prevederile dreptului internaţional
In this article the author tries to reveal the possible motivation of the Russian invasion in Ukraine, its political, economic and strategic aspects both external and internal. There has been revealed violation by Russia of basic documents of international law and bilateral ukrainian-russian … [Read more...]