The North Sea - Rhine - Main - Danube - Black Sea waterway system links 16 states and facilitates transport via 9 large rivers which make up the 7th European waterway corridor. This corridor simplifies transport between Western Europe and the South Danube states and between the North Sea and the … [Read more...]
Obama Administration’s Economic Policy: Targets and Impact
Lucia DUGULEANA The present article discusses Barack Obama’s economic agenda in an attempt to determine their efficiency in overcoming the effects of the economic crisis and reaching their desired targets. It reflects on how the measures taken will influence the budget and external deficit. It also … [Read more...]
Responsabilitatea socială corporatistă în contextul crizei economice globale
Adrian BASARABĂ, Laura Melinda STAN Ambivalenţele sistemului global capitalist sunt prezente de la primele activităţi economice ale sectorului privat. Criza economică de la sfârşitul secolului al XIX-lea, cea din anii 1930, sau cea care a început la sfârşitul lui 2008 stau mărturie pentru … [Read more...]