Cosmin Gabriel PACURARU, PhD Datele ecuatiei BRUA este un urmas al Nabucco istoriceste vorbind. În ianuarie 2013 a început proiectarea Nabucco West, tronsonului de vest al Nabucco de 1326 kilometrii, care începe de la frontiera bulgaro – turcă, traversează Bulgaria, România, Ungaria, către … [Read more...]
Safety and Security Culture Beyond EU Borders
Olivia COMŞA A safer Europe in a safer world- towards a common safety and security culture Safety, security and non-proliferation are absolute priorities for the EU. The European Security Strategy has identified proliferation of WMD and terrorism as potentially the greatest threats to European and … [Read more...]
European Commissions Plans Regarding CSR
Ştefania Doina VRABIE The need for corporate social responsibility (CSR) is to enhance positive impacts over the society and the environment - for example through the innovation of new products and services that are beneficial to society and enterprises themselves - and to minimise and prevent … [Read more...]