by Todd Bensman Her "crime" was that her son was accused of being romantically involved with a Muslim woman. Islam assumes the man is superior, and that non-Muslims must never have authority over Muslims. Non-Muslim men may therefore never court or marry Muslim women, although Muslim men may … [Read more...]
Land of Gods and Vikings
James Jay Carafano I hate trolls. Iceland is now a recognized tourist destination for Americans, but its still worthwhile. Go with it. There are plenty of things to do and see that make the trip more than worth it. When to visit it? The summer months of July and August are the warmest and … [Read more...]
Providing a Model for Tehran Strategic Cultural Decision
Mohsen Rostami1 Abstract The aim of this research was to introduce a model for implementing strategic decisions in Tehran’s cultural domain. With regard to the complexity of this problem, the Q method was chosen for the study. This method is used when the researcher deals with the general, … [Read more...]
Moscow-backed Ukrainian Orthodox Church still linked to Russia despite claims – expert committee
Article by: Alya Shandra The Ukrainian Orthodox Church under the Moscow Patriarchy (UOC MP) that in May 2022 claimed to sever ties with its mother church is in fact still subjugated to the Russian Orthodox Church, an expert committee has found. The committee, comprised of religious experts and … [Read more...]
How ‘The Collective Voice of the Muslim World’ Weaponizes the UN against Israel
by Bassam Tawil OPEC and the OIC are infused with nearly incalculable wealth and most member states of the OIC have found themselves upbraided for questionable ethics. One critic suggested: "If the OIC Summiteers are serious about the burning issues of justice, freedom and good governance, … [Read more...]
Comanda acum! - editura Top Form Bucureşti, 2021 - Lucrarea de faţă încearcă să ofere o perspectivă cât mai cuprin-zătoare asupra fenomenului comunicării, în special asupra dimensiunii pragmatice a comunicării. Cititorii se vor familiariza cu termeni spe-cifici domeniului abordat, vor asimila … [Read more...]
Biden Admin and EU Silent on Iran’s Rising Persecution of Religious Minorities
by Majid Rafizadeh • February 9, 2022 at 5:00 am Source: In 2021, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi signed two alarming amendments to Articles 499 and 500 of its Penal Code, making it easier for the authorities to crack … [Read more...]
Legea 1 Un robot nu are voie să pricinuiască vreun rău unei fiinţe umane, sau, prin neintervenţie, să permită ca unei fiinţe omeneşti să i se facă un rău. Legea 2 Un robot trebuie să se supună ordinelor date de către o fiinţă umană, atât timp cât ele nu intră în contradicţie cu Legea … [Read more...]
INTELIGÉNŢĂ, inteligenţe, s.f. 1. Capacitatea de a înţelege uşor şi bine, de a sesiza ceea ce este esenţial, de a rezolva situaţii sau probleme noi pe baza experienţei acumulate anterior; deşteptăciune. Inteligenţă artificială = capacitate a sistemelor tehnice evoluate de a obţine performanţe … [Read more...]
prof. dr. George HĂLĂRESCU Abstract. Artificial intelligence is a “gift” we must look for with caution. Disproportionate development of AI could cause big problems to man, like digital dictatorship or genetic engineering research projects with unpredictable effects. This is the motive why AI must … [Read more...]