The end of the Cold War, the international political system’s transition from bipolar to multipolar order, the increased globalization, and also, the manifestation of new threats and challenges towards stability and peace - terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, regional conflicts, failed states, … [Read more...]
Ucraina – confirmarea succesului noii strategii de securitate a Rusiei?
Remus DOGARU Victoria “revoluţiilor portocalii” din Georgia şi Ucraina alături de schimbarea tonului în cadrul politicii externe a Republicii Moldova după alegerile din aprilie 2005, au fost factori ce, la primă vedere, păreau a confirma victoria valorilor euroatlantice promovate de NATO şi UE. În … [Read more...]
United States of America – European Power vs. European Security
Andreea Cristina HOREA “The politics of the United States is the key to world order.” (Z.Brzezinski) The following pages propose an overview of the US’ security strategy towards the European continent, of its goals and commitments, of its instruments and effects. My answer will be a summary … [Read more...]
The Geostrategic Predominance of the American Geopolitics
Boris POPESCU, Horia SAVU The authors of this article promote a point of view on the geo-strategic predominance of the American geo-politics using as argument that this is clearly a result of USA’s strategies for national security along the years. Each edition of this document emphasizes the role … [Read more...]
Cunoaşterea riscurilor şi ameninţărilor specifice domeniului maritim – premisă a deciziilor corecte şi eficiente în operaţiunile Forţelor Navale
Vasile NAZARE, Marian SÂRBU The study propose, in a new international and regional geopolitical and geostrategic context in which our country must assert and protect the national interests, to underline the growth of the role of the naval power in the ensemble of the structure of the factors of … [Read more...]