Süreyya YİĞİT, PhD Abstract. The Black Sea can be divided into two time periods after the Cold War. One, where Russia was inward-looking and passive, the other when it has chosen to be outward looking, perceived as aggressive and highly active. Turkish policy has had to manage its northern … [Read more...]
Cunoaşterea riscurilor şi ameninţărilor specifice domeniului maritim – premisă a deciziilor corecte şi eficiente în operaţiunile Forţelor Navale
Vasile NAZARE, Marian SÂRBU The study propose, in a new international and regional geopolitical and geostrategic context in which our country must assert and protect the national interests, to underline the growth of the role of the naval power in the ensemble of the structure of the factors of … [Read more...]