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Miza geopolitică a Rusiei în relaţia comercială cu hidrocarburi în Uniunea Europeană – în contextul garanţiilor de securitate oferite de tratatele internaţionale
In this essay I intend to offer an overview about the context in witch a great power, even in decline, looks beyond the short-term interests, in the aim to become an important global player. Like any matter of international relations, it is inevitable to set the limits and the operating procedures … [Read more...]
Contemporary Trends and Developments in the Global Integration Process
Manja DJURIC DZAKIC The dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, which brought together countries of the socialist bloc and the joint action of the western allies against Iraq (1990), George Bush has described as a "new world order". It is intended to contribute to the development of that order and … [Read more...]
Turkey’s Regional Expertise can Bring Important Strategic Benefits to the EU
Interview of HE Titus CORLĂŢEAN, Romanian Ministry for External Affairs Interviewed by Vasile SIMILEANU, January 2013 Your Excellency, How do you asses the current stage of the bilateral relations between Romania and Turkey? The bilateral relations between Romania and Turkey are excellent, … [Read more...]
India in Africa: Past and Present
Come Carpentier de Gourdon India at independence in 1947 was left with a British colonial legacy that included deep ties to a number of East and Southern African countries within the Empire, which were to emerge as free nations in the ensuing years. The traditional expatriation of Indian traders … [Read more...]
Tuşe de retuş la tabloul african
Nicolae ROTARU The African continent is a complex, dynamic and interesting space. The two big parts, different from a cultural point of view - the northern Maghrebian part and the sub-Saharian, central and southern part - are each the frame for areas and sub-areas of security and development which … [Read more...]