COP29 talks in Baku on Wednesday turned to small island nations facing an existential threat from our warming planet, as UN Secretary-General António Guterres insisted that they “deserve support to deal with a crisis [that they] have done next to nothing to create”. “You have … [Read more...]
The UN Legitimizes Autocrats and Dictators – COP 29 Baku
Dr. Cosmin PĂCURARU On Monday, November 11, the COP 29 summit began in Baku, Azerbaijan. COP 29 is the 29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2024. The event will take place over the next two weeks, with tens of thousands of … [Read more...]
Nata GARAKANIDZE* Abstract. The article analyzes the recent events related to the EU – China relations and discusses the prospects and challenges to their development. It is highlighted that there is mutual interest in continued cooperation between China and the EU states. Both sides recognize … [Read more...]
Cristi CHIŢU, PhD Declanşarea Războiului din Ucraina, la 24 februarie 2024, a reprezentat un şoc pentru majoritatea antreprenorilor români. Imediata vecinătate a Ucrainei, cu graniţe de 650 km, ar fi putut reprezenta un pericol pentru extinderea conflictului şi în România. Destul de mulţi … [Read more...]
Standard Chartered: American Oil Output Won’t Surge Under Trump
By Alex Kimani Despite Trump's victory, U.S. oil production growth is expected to remain moderate due to changes in the shale industry. U.S. E&Ps continue to prioritize capital discipline and shareholder returns over rapid production increases. Incoming tariffs on steel, a key … [Read more...]
Defending the narrative from reality
Glenn Diesen Two years ago, the Nord Stream gas pipelines were destroyed in an economic and environmental terrorist attack. The attack severed a key economic connection between Europe and Russia, contributing to the de-industrialisation of Europe and intensifying Russia’s economic reorientation … [Read more...]
Who wins from Serbia’s lithium?
Raw data The Serbian authorities granted the Spanish company Rio Tinto the concession to exploit a lithium mine in 2017. In the summer of 2022, large protests were organized, and the exploitation permit was revoked. During the protests, the 24,000 demonstrators shouted "We won't give up Serbia" … [Read more...]
Russia’s war devastates Black Sea ecosystems and communities
by Théo Prouvost At 5:30 a.m., Mattei and his crew set off in their small fishing boat from the coast of Constanța, Romania, and head into the Black Sea. A dozen men jump right into action, getting their nets ready. The sea, usually calm at this hour, stirs as the fishermen cast their nets with … [Read more...]
Easing Africa’s Debt Burdens: a Fresh Approach, Based on an Old Idea
PRETORIA. South Africa / CAMBRIDGE, USA, Sep 27 (IPS) - The statistics are stark: 54 governments, of which 25 are African, are spending at least 10% of their revenues on servicing their debts; 48 countries, home to 3.3 billion people, are spending more on debt service than on health or … [Read more...]
F. William ENGDAHL ROCKEFELLER'S PARADIGM SHIFT At the end of the 1960s and into the early 1970s, the influential international circles directly tied to David Rockefeller launched a dazzling array of elite organizations and think tanks. These included The Club of Rome; the 1001: A Nature Trust, … [Read more...]